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Columbus Day!

Everyone at LaptopMD would like to sincerely wish you a Happy Columbus Day!

Columbus Day does not merely celebrate the discovery of the New World by an Italian explorer Christopher Columbus and his crew. It also celebrates the burning human desire towards exploration and innovation and the belief that humanity is destined for higher things.

Opening A New World

Half a millennium ago Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World on October 12th, 1492 and discovered the Americas on accident. He sought a Western sea route to Asia, giving Europe easier access to Asia’s fabled wealth and exotic goods.

However, Columbus missed his original destination by over 7,000 miles. Human progress often manifests itself in unexpected ways.

Exploration and the Drive for Technological Innovation

Columbus’ urge to explore and to innovate acted as a catalyst, inspiring others to not only explore, but to create new technological marvels, causing the Industrial Revolution.
Like Columbus, Alan Kay was an explorer, but of technology. Kay conceived the first draft of a laptop called the Dynabook. Though the Dynabook never made it past the drafting stage, Kay’s idea inspired future researchers to began work on a portable personal computer. The laptop was born.

Today, laptops are found in colleges and coffee shops across the country. In 2013, a Gallup poll found that 64% of Americans own a laptop, a significant increase from 30% in 2005. A technology that seemed impractical is now an almost universal part of our lives.
Every year computers become smaller and more powerful. They allow more of us than ever to explore, to innovate, and to contribute to the good of mankind.

We proud to state that most of computers are designing in US, even though manufacturing in China.

Us, Technology, and the Need to Learn

Technology surrounds us, and we must strive to learn and explore it. Though we cannot discover the New World like Columbus, we can learn about the vast and fascinating frontier of modern computing.

It is important to not only keep our computers maintained and cleaned, but to also strive to learn as much as possible about computers. So, whenever you run into any sort of computer troubles, be sure to find a computer repair professional who seeks not only to fix the problem, but to educate.